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Net Negative 2040 Roadmap

Lime producers in Great Britain have come together to launch an ambitious plan to accelerate decarbonisation and deliver ‘net negative’ carbon emissions by 2040.

The Net Negative 2040 Roadmap explains how the sector can go beyond net zero a decade ahead of the UK’s overall 2050 target by deploying technologies such as fuel switching and carbon capture as well as recognition of lime’s natural carbon-absorbing properties.

Published: 2023


MPA Lime Net Negative 2040 Roadmap Animation

Published: 2023


MPA Lime - Hydrated Lime in Asphalt Animation

Published: 2024


Proceedings from British Lime Association UK-Lime Research Symposium 2021

In October 2021 academics, industrialists, and early career researchers from across the UK gathered online to share their research into lime.  The range of topics presented was astounding; highlighting the importance of lime in a wide range of applications to society now,  and throughout the ages, whilst also allowing a glimpse of a few of the possibilities for the future of lime manufacturing. 

Published: 2023


Lime the versatile mineral that supports our vital industries

Lime is a fundamental but often unseen ingredient for many key UK industries. Not only does it help the construction and manufacturing industries optimise their products but it also supports the drinking water, food and farming sectors with its versatile and unique characteristics. It is the only mineral product that can be used to produce steel and sugar in the same day!

Published: 2017


Think Lime... for Soil Stabilisation

  • Lime Treatment of soils is a simple process which is used to stabilise and modify on-site soils, including soils on both greenfield and brownfield sites
  • Lime Treatment is a well-established and proven technology that is included in current civil engineering specifications and guidance documents
  • Lime Treatment lowers projects costs whilst enhancing project sustainability

Published: 2018
